DECOM (Deep Cement Continuous Cement Deep Mixing Method) is a method for hardening soft foundations by mixing sub-soil with stabilization agents such as cement slurry. A rotatable mixing shaft withblades is inserted to the required depth in the soil to be stabilised. The stabilization agent is then injected and mixed in-situ with the sub-soil. During this operation, the mixing shaft is gradually withdrawn thus forming hardened columns within the sub-soil.

The method is suitable for both onshore and offshore works and for various purposes such as massive construction, narrow space construction and treatment of contaminated soil.

<Features of DECOM / CDM SYSTEM>

  1. 1.Ensuring the required strength is achieved.
  2. 2.Effective reduction of overall construction period
  3. 3.Eliminates settlement
  4. 4.Minimizes environmental impact
  5. 5.Reduces the volume of sub-soil needing improvement.
  6. 6.Achieves cost savings through efficient use of resources.